Florian Fritz
- Schuegrafstraße 12A
- 93051 Regensburg
- born 21.06.1996
- in Dietfurt a. d. Altmühl
- +49 176 96235 946
- contact@florianfritz.net
- github.com/FritzFlorian
- florianfritz.net
Master of Applied Research - Focus on CS, OTH Regensburg (GPA 4.0)
- About 50% course work and 50% work on an individual project
- Courses in CS (e.g. advanced algorithms, modern theoretical CS)
- Courses in interdisciplinary skills (e.g. scientific writing, innovation management)
- Personal research project with focus on parallel runtime systems
Bachelor in Computer Science, OTH Regensburg (GPA 4.0)
- Traditional CS bachelor with focus on software development
- Theoretical courses (e.g. math, theoretical CS, algorithms)
- Practical courses (e.g. databases, software engineering)
- Project work (e.g. web apps, geospatial data analysis, AI for a board game)
General Higher Education Entrance Qualification (GPA 3.6)
- Gymnasium Beilngries, Eichstätt
Theses and Publications
Master Thesis: Predictable Resource Usage in Work-Stealing Runtime Systems
- Concept and implementation of a work-stealing based parallel programming library in C++
- Focus on static memory usage and predictable execution times
Paper: Accelerating Real-Time Applications with Predictable Work-StealingPASA Workshop 2020; 33rd Architecture of Computing Systems – ARCS 2020, Aachen
- Authors: Florian Fritz, Michael Schmid, Jürgen Mottok
- Concept for the work-stealing algorithm used in the master thesis
Paper: Parallel Programming in Real-Time SystemsARCS Workshop 2019; 32nd Architecture of Computing Systems – ARCS 2019, Copenhagen
- Authors: Michael Schmid, Florian Fritz, Jürgen Mottok
- General thoughts on parallel programming in time critical applications
Bachelor Thesis: Entwicklung einer KI für eine Erweiterung des Spiels Reversi mit Methoden des maschinellen Lernens am Vorbild von AlphaGo Zero
- Adopt the AlphaGo Zero reinforcement learning to a version of the board game Reversi
- Implement the training and execution phase of the AI in python
Work Experience
Technical Employee - Regensburg University of Applied Sciences
- Work related to my research project during my master studies
- Assist doctoral students in their work
- Analysis of existing C++ parallel programming tools with focus latency critical applications
- Prototype implementations of a parallel runtime system in C++
- Fix bug in open source Clang project
Lecturer for a C training - Regensburg University of Applied Sciences
- Held two course days of a multi-weekend C training
- Coordination with other lecturers and preparation of course materials
Intern and Working Student - Vuframe
- General application development at startup company
- Implement and publish customer Apps for Android
- Modularized development of Android apps (internal library management and project generation tools), leading to a platform for automatic app generation
- Extend Ruby on Rails web- and backend-application
Further achievements
Open Space of Media Lab Bayern (Munich)
- Expand technical skills by working on an app together with a fellow student at the open space
- Media Lab provided workspace and two couching hours
MZ Hackathon Regensburg - Won Best Overall and Media Lab Bavaria Award
- Three day hackathon with a team of three - won first place and secondary price
- Prototype a Google home based cooking assistant with interactive instructions and optional visuals on an TV
MZ Hackathon Regensburg - Won Special Award
- Three day hackathon with a team of four - won secondary price
- Prototype an app to connect to other people by automatically organizing group activities
- German - native language
- English - technical/scientific writing and fluid conversation
Programming Languages
- Rust - self-taught after master and used in private project
- C++ - used during master, mainly low-level synchronization
- Python - used in bachelor thesis and for data analysis during master
- Java - preferred language at beginning of bachelor, Android development at Vuframe
- Elixir, JavaScript - used for web projects
- Ruby - automatization and Ruby on Rails development at Vuframe
Further Technologies
- HTML/CSS - customize layouts and use HTML/CSS component libraries
- SQL - typical database tasks during CS courses and (web-)projects
- CMake, Gradle, Bash - basics for simple projects and automatization
- LaTeX, TikZ - user, creation of scientific documents
- Docker, GitLab CI, Jenkins - basics, simple CI and deployment
Regensburg, 01. March 2021